Are you suffering from physical discomfort or lack of success in your life?

I help you shift your energy to release the pain and attract success quickly.
Let's change your life for the better today!
Release your pain and attract success quickly
Are you suffering from physical discomfort or suffering from a lack of success in your life? The underlying cause may be unknown to you, but there is a good chance that trapped emotions are affecting your life.
Trapped emotions
What are trapped emotions? We all have unresolved emotional pain from past life events, experiences, or traumas. These unresolved emotional energies are called “trapped emotions”.
They are produced by different organs in your body; for example, one of the emotions generated by the liver is anger and fear is generated in the kidneys. These trapped emotions lodge themselves energetically in your body and mind, which can then cause other misalignments in your emotions, relationships, success, and more.
How I can help you with the Emotion Code
When you go thru an Emotion Code session, we will release those trapped emotions affecting your life. Then, you’ll move from feeling stuck, frustrated, and burdened to feeling a sense of peace, freedom, and happiness.
Additionally, an emotion code session can ease your physical discomfort. You may get relief from distress, difficulties and alleviate their potential underlying causes.
The Best part for you is that it’s quick, easy, and painless to release trapped emotions and energetic misalignments
How does it work for you?
During an Emotion Code session, we use a 3-step process to change your life for the better:
1- We connect with you energetically to find what is your trapped emotion
2- Then you simply name it. You will not have to relive the whole situation again nor the emotions attach to it.
3- After, we release it! Just like that.
It is easy, quick, and painless.
Even better, once the trapped emotion is released, it is gone permanently and does not affect you anymore!
Consequences of trapped emotions
Trapped emotions are buried deep into your subconscious mind which explains why they are so hard to find using other methods.
Also, trapped emotions affect your life on a continuous basis which explains why you keep experiencing physical pain or lack the success you want and you do not know why.
If you do not release those trapped emotions, you will keep feeling the pain and frustration that burden your life.
Change your life for the better today!
After an Emotion Code session, you’ll move from feeling stuck, frustrated, and burdened to feeling a sense of peace, freedom, and happiness.
You may get relief from physical discomfort and distress. Additionally, it can alleviate their potential underlying causes.
Once we release a particular trapped emotion event, it’s gone forever. You will feel that the burden has been lifted once and for all. You will be amaze by how light, peaceful, and happy you feel afterward.
I never seen someone do healing work as powerfully and quickly as Karen. It's like she is connected directly to the Divine and her insights are spot on! I'm so thankful for her help on the healing journey for me and my daughter. Even doctors need a healer and Karen is a great help to me! – R.W. Physician, California
I feel so much lighter and freer in my heart after releasing trapped emotions and my shoulder tightness and discomfort has completely disappeared too! My running is back on point too! – Y.B., Physician’s Assistant, Colorado
I had felt blocked and unable to make a decision about a business deal I was considering engaging in; Karen helped me release some misalignments and trapped emotions and I felt clearer in my thinking and decision making. I was able to re-connect with my intuition and make the best decision for my business. It was quick, painless, and easy. - D.T. Manufacturing , Victoria, Australia